Earn 10% on our commissions for 3 years

Recommend a property and earn money every month on the sums generated by short or medium-term rentals.

How does it work?


Tell your network about our property management services for short and medium-term rentals.


One of your acquaintances is interested in entrusting the management of one of his properties to ClickYourFlat.


Receive 10% commission for 3 years and benefit from regular earnings on the income we generate on the property.

An opportunity for affiliate partners

Our affiliate program is open to all, and there are no contractual obligations or fees.

Regular passive income

Total flexibility

Growing concierge services

Contact us

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Commission payments are made monthly and deposited directly into your bank account. When a property you have recommended to our concierge service generates revenue through our rental management service, you will receive a commission equivalent to 10% of our revenue generated by that property.

Although our main focus is in the cities where we have branches, we are open to examining opportunities in new areas. Please contact us with details of the property you would like to recommend, and we will assess whether it can be included in our management program.

No, there’s no limit to the number of properties you can recommend. The more you recommend, the more you stand to win. Every property accepted into our management program increases your chances of earning commissions.